Mike McGuire Videos

Recognize your patterns and get unstuck

Recognize your patterns and get unstuck

What's holding you back? Recognize your patterns and set yourself free. Childhood patterns that no longer serve us can stick with us until we become more self-aware ...more


January 04, 20251 min read

Gratitude brings Happiness

Gratitude brings Happiness

Happier people work better together and are more productive. A gratitude practice teaches us to scan for the positive in our lives, rather than focus on what's not right with it. It's easy to focus on... ...more


January 02, 20250 min read

Think like an Improviser at Work

Think like an Improviser at Work

People want something that is fun and interactive. The old-fashioned model of bringing in a speaker is fine, but it's super passive.You're just sitting there listening to the speaker, who may have a g... ...more


December 30, 20240 min read

Mike McGuire Speaks Video

Mike McGuire Speaks Video

Mike McGuire Speaks Video ...more


December 28, 20240 min read

Fun team building with Improv

Fun team building with Improv

People learn best when they're happy and having fun. Improv at teambuilding events will drive home lessons and bring personal observations ...more


December 17, 20240 min read

Unleash Your Business Brilliance.

Think on your feet!

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(314) 288-0490

St. Louis