Recognize your patterns and get unstuck
What crutch do you have that is holding you back? What pattern do you have that keeps you from making decisions, from moving forward?
Sometimes, patterns from childhood stay with us, both the good and bad ones. The problem arises when we’re adults and we still have tendencies that hold us back, when we still have these crutches, these behavioral patterns.
Sometimes, when we become adults, we transfer this need for approval from mom or dad or teachers or other grownups to other authority figures in our lives, like our boss or sometimes other co-workers or a spouse.
This pattern can stay with us. Our entire lives we’re looking to give away our power to a higher authority. We’re constantly approval seeking.
Recognize your patterns and you'll make decisions more quickly and get unstuck.
Set up a time to talk about bringing improv-based training and team building to your office. Contact Mike McGuire at [email protected] or go to www.MikeMcGuire.com/contact to set up a call.